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Would you like to dispatch your own trucks? Do you feel like you could do a better job than your truck dispatcher? Do you want to save money on dispatching fees?


If you answered YES to any of those questions, you may want to consider learning about truck dispatching, the load booking process, paperwork, and all the other aspects related to dispatching trucks! You could also dispatch trucks for your friends and relatives and make extra income while doing so! 

Dispatch training
Image by Berkeley Communications

We have a solution for you! We operate a project called LearnDispatch which offers an easy-to-understand online training course on how to start your own dispatch service. The course can be completed at your own pace (in some cases within a day or so) and you can start dispatching your own truck!


Just think about how much money you can save! If you are currently paying $250-$350 or more per week to your dispatcher, then by making a one-time investment of just $399 you will be saving $12,000 to $18,000 annually... and that is just with one truck!


If you like, you can start dispatching for other carriers and earn on average $1,000 a month for each other truck you dispatch. So by dispatching another 3 or 4 trucks you can add over $30,000-$40,000 in revenue for your transportation company and use it to grow your business!

P.S. This course was developed for people not familiar with the trucking or transportation industry. Therefore, for a person already involved in transportation it is even easier to understand and apply in practice!


P.P.S. If you are serious about dispatching not only for yourself but for other carriers as well, we can help you by providing personalized one-on-one consulting sessions! 


Need more details? Contact us
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